Tai Tokerau legal counsel Maui Solomon with Ngati Kuri claimant Saana Murray, and Sheridan Waitai, at WAI 262 report release, Roma marae, 2 July 2011
If you’d like to know a bit more about the WAI 262 claim, and ‘where it’s going to from here’, click on the links below to get you started:
- WAI 262 Information site (where you can read up on the claim’s history, download key claim documents, and see the full Waitangi Tribunal Report 2011)
- WAI 262 Facebook page
- Waitangi Tribunal website
The Tai Tokerau claimants intend to engage with Maori nation-wide next year about the Tribunal’s report, and what our planned response should look like. Stay tuned, whānau 🙂