
Sign Up Now for LSV Job & Life Training Opportunity

LSVThe next intake for the Limited Service Volunteers (LSV) six-week hands-on motivational and training programme for young people (ages 17 – 25) is on April 14.

The LSV programme is a run by the New Zealand Defence Force on behalf of Work and Income and assists youth to improve their job prospects, increase their confidence, and make new friends while living at a military camp during the course. This is not a boot camp.  It was set up to help young people develop the attributes needed to enter the workforce: motivation, self-awareness, self-respect and time management.

Find More and Register in 2 Easy Steps

Step 1: Attend an Information and Recruitment Seminar

Every Work & Income site within Northland will be providing LSV Information and Recruitment seminars about the programme and these will be open for anyone to attend (youth & their whanau).  During these sessions, the attendees will be taken through the Recruitment and Application process, and if appropriate invited to attend the 27th March Hui.

LSV Information & Recruitment Seminars

WINZ Service CentreFrequencyDaysTimes
Whangarei CentralWeeklyTuesday1:30pm

Step 2: March 27 Enrolment Hui

Hui will be held at two Northland marae to finalise the pre-screened LSV applications, and enroll new applicants (as youth may present on the day).  This hui will provide information to the whanau and local community about the LSV programme and will establish a link between the young person and mentors prior to the April 14 intake.  Accepted applicants from the March 27 hui will be invited to a one week marae noho in preparation for commencement of LSV.


To be eligible for a Limited Service Volunteer programme youth must be:

  • actively seeking or preparing for work
  • aged 18 – 24 years at the time of referral and
  • able to meet the minimum New Zealand Defence Force health and fitness and security requirements.

Further information about the LSV programme is available from the WINZ web site including downloadable video and PDFs.