E ngā tini kārangaranga o ia pito whenua, tēnā koutou katoa
As part of the review of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, a Māori Land Service will be provided in rohe across Aotearoa. This land service is to be designed by Māori for Māori and discussions will commence on what this design will look like with some options to provide this service for whānau, hapū and Iwi in the Te Hiku and wider rohe.
On the 15th of August 2017, three hui will be held throughout Northland with Māori Freehold Land owners to collate views and ideas on a service that improves the provision and access of information, advice and administrative services to Māori land owners. The Hui will include:
- A presentation on the background to the co-design process; and
- Discuss with you, your views on existing issues, impacts, barriers and solutions to improving services to Māori land owners.
Kaikohe Hui
Date: 15 August 2017
Time: 11am
Venue: Te Runanga-a-iwi-o-Ngapuhi, 16 Mangakahia Road
Kaitaia Hui
15 August 2017
5pm – 7pm
Te Ahu Centre, Banquet Room, South Road, Kaitaia
Whangarei Hui
15 August 2017
Ngati Wai Trust Board, 129 Port Road
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Sheridan Waitai
Ngāti Kuri Trust Board
M: 027 405 1016