
Ngāti Kuri Education and Reo Strategy Hui

Download this flyer to find out more about the Education and Te Reo Maori Strategy

Come and have your say as we together as an iwi develop our Ngāti Kuri Education and Reo strategy. Kai provided.

  • 11th November, 12:30 pm, Te Hapua, Te Reo Mihi Marae,
  • 14th November, 6.00 pm, Ngataki, Waiora Marae

What are the dreams and aspirations of our Ngāti Kuri tupuna?

How do we lift Ngāti Kuri into education and economic prosperity?

First 50 participants to RSVP and attend receive a free Ngāti Kuri T Shirt at the hui

Please RSVP Karena: education@ngatikuri.iwi.nz or call/text 0212206475

[big_button color=”green” url=”https://ngatikuri.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/NK_education_survey.pdf” desc=”Please fill out this brief survey and bring to the hui.”] Download the Survey [/big_button]