
Tag Archives: Pou

About “Te Ara Wairua”

The Ngāti Kuri pou, “Te Ara Wairua” was carved by Te Wānanga Whakairo Rākau-o-Aotearoa under the tutelage of Te Taonui-a-Kupe (James) Rickard Based on kōrero received from Pineaha Murray.  Carved in Totara, 2012....
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Ngāti Kuri Pou Unveiled in New Te Ahu Centre

The Te Ahu Trust chose a  “soft opening” for the partly completed Te Ahu Centre on Friday the 10th of February 2012. Muriwhenua Iwi as well as  Ngapuhi, the Far North District Mayor, staff...
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Ngāti Kuri Pou

Guided by our kaumatua and kuia, the Ngāti Kuri Trust Board have commissioned the New Zealand Maori Arts and Crafts Institute in Rotorua to carve a Pou for the Te Ahu Center in...
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