Funding applications for the Merimeri Penfold Scholarship are currently closed. Panui will be sent out from this website and the Facebook page when funding resumes.
The Merimeri Penfold Education Trust provides an annual University scholarship for qualifying Ngati Kuri descendants.
The $5,000 scholarship is managed by the Ngati Kuri scholarship board who will determine the recipient of the scholarship based on the following guidelines:
- Only students of Ngāti Kuri ancestry are eligible. Apply to join the Iwi Register here or contact to check your existing registration.
- Students must be currently attending a NZ tertiary education institution (University, Technical Institute, Wananga, etc.)
- Although not mandatory requirements, preference will be given to those students who:
- Are in their final year of a bachelor’s degree (or higher).
- Demonstrate a good history of academic achievement.
- Have included papers in Te Reo in their degree
- Applicants must provide evidence of previous years study.
- Applicants must apply in writing to the scholarship board and provide a short essay of no more than 300 words describing: “How I will use my studies to further the interests of Ngāti Kuri”
- The Ngāti Kuri Trust Board will have ultimate discretion over the granting of funds. Grants may also be terminated at the Board’s discretion.
- IMPORTANT: As part of the application process it is agreed that the successful applicant will report back to the Ngāti Kuri Trust Board with results and outcomes, along with receipts of expenditure.
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The Ngāti Kurī Trust Board has identified in its Mahere Rautaki 2010- 2020, that improving the education of Nga Uri o Ngāti Kuri is imperative, and acknowledges that there is need for a level of funding that recognises the interests and welfare of its beneficiaries while also rewarding effort, achievement and success.
To actively participate in this process the Board has formed two funding streams that will add to the overall well being of whanau, hapu and Iwi:
- Education: past recipients of this fund have received assistance with uni and high school fees, research projects (including trips to Antarctica, China and around New Zealand), and various school activities.
NB: Applications are closed for this fund. - Discretionary: this is a more general fund that has supported sporting events, whakapapa research in Wales, kapa haka, cultural exchanges, community charitable causes, and many other activities.
Funding Policies
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Past Recipients
Ngāti Kuri grants and scholarship have assisted Iwi members achieve a number of very worthwhile goals including representing our whanau, Iwi and country on the international stage and playing fields, attend training camps, kapa haka roopu, assisted with boarding costs at high schools and tuition fees for budding sports therapists, neuro surgeons and golf pros as well as contributing to community events like the Heart Foundation Kids Day Out.
- Download the complete Education and Discretionary funding recipient list here(42KB PDF)
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