
Ngāti Kuri Pou Unveiled in New Te Ahu Centre

The Te Ahu Trust chose a  “soft opening” for the partly completed Te Ahu Centre on Friday the 10th of February 2012. Muriwhenua Iwi as well as  Ngapuhi, the Far North District Mayor, staff and many locals attended the 5.30 am blessing. Once the site developments are completed there will be a formal opening. The date is yet to be confirmed. Ngati Kuri chose to unveil and bless its Pou in a small ceremony at 9.30 am. This was led by Ngati Kuri Kaumatua Pineaha Murray, Tom Petricevich and Merimeri Penfold.

Pou being carved at the Viaduct during the RWC 2011 events
Pou being carved at the Viaduct during the RWC 2011 events
Full view of pou at the recent Te Ahu Centre opening
Full view of pou at the recent Te Ahu Centre opening
Another full view of the newly unveiled pou.
Another full view of the newly unveiled pou.
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