Merimeri Penfold
The funding round for this year is now open. Applications will be accepted until Friday 4th December 2020. The successful applicant will be notified when the Trust Board has reached a decision on a recommendation. Notices regarding this funding will be posted here on the website and on Facebook
The Penfold whanau wish to provide a $5000 university scholarship for qualifying Ngāti Kuri descendants.
The scholarship is managed by the Ngāti Kuri scholarship board who will determine the recipient of the scholarship based on the following guidelines:
- Only students of Ngāti Kuri ancestry are eligible. Apply to join the Iwi Register here or contact enquiries@ngatikuri.iwi.nz to check your existing registration.
- Students must be currently attending a NZ tertiary education institution (University, Technical Institute, Wananga, etc.)
- Although not mandatory requirements, preference will be given to those students who:
- Are in their final year of a bachelor’s degree (or higher).
- Demonstrate a good history of academic achievement.
- Have included papers in Te Reo in their degree
- Applicants must provide evidence of previous years study.
- Applicants must apply in writing to the scholarship board and provide a short essay of no more than 300 words describing: “How I will use my studies to further the interests of Ngāti Kuri”
- The Ngāti Kuri Trust Board will have ultimate discretion over the granting of funds. Grants may also be terminated at the Board’s discretion.
- IMPORTANT: As part of the application process it is agreed that the successful applicant will report back to the Ngāti Kuri Trust Board with results and outcomes, along with receipts of expenditure.
For more information, contact enquiries@ngatikuri.iwi.nz or call the Trust Board office at 09 409 8151.