
Aotearoa Matike Mai Workshops

Na reira e te iwi, we need YOUR help in designing a better, fairer constitution for Aotearoa.  Nau mai, haere mai!

“Aotearoa Matike Mai” (the Independent Constitutional Working Group ) is a Māori think-tank to wānanga, hui, research, hear views, get advice and develop a model (or models) and a process for Constitutional Transformation in Aotearoa.

Its Convenor, Moana Jackson, will be facilitating a series of workshops in Te Tai Tokerau during late October to mid-November 2012.  The confirmed dates so far are as follows:


1.       Thursday 15 November: Te Rānanga o Ngāpuhi offices, Kaikohe – Starting 10am

2.       Thursday 15 November: Ngati Hine (venue to be confirmed) – Starting 3pm

3.   Friday 16 November: Te Roroa (venue to be confirmed) – Starting 10am

4.   Friday 16 November: Ngati Wai (venue to be confirmed) – Starting 10am

Light refreshments will be provided at each hui, and more Tai Tokerau hui details will be released as they are confirmed.

For background and other materials on New Zealand Constitutional issues, check out our pages on:

For further information: contact Catherine Davis:

Email: catherinedavis@hotmail.co.nz

Ph: (027) 2255 417