
“Aotearoa is not for sale” Hikoi, Dale Husband interviews Mike Smith, 26 March 2012

You are invited to participate in a National Hikoi for all concerned people against privatisation, asset sales, welfare reforms, deep water oil drilling, coal mining, fracking and the TPPA

Aotearoa is not for sale Hikoi 2012 – radio interview with Mike Smith, 26 March 2012,

How can I support this event?

Tell as many people about it as possible (Face book, Twitter, Talkback radio, word of mouth) get a group together to help raise awareness, distribute posters in your area, donate any spare kai to the local Marae where the Hikoi will be staying in your area. Contact you local organisor and offer help.

Where can I get more information?
Email: rangiwhero@gmail.com, or on Facebook at:

“Aotearoa is not for sale” , or The Independent Constitutional Working Group, Aoteroa Matike Mai