
Abbey Brown

Abbey Brown

Abbey Brown

Ko Puhurihanga te Tangata

Ko Kura Haupo te Waka

Ko Parengarenga te Wa Hapu

Ko Waitiki me Te **** nga Awa

Ko Kohuroa Naki me Maunga Piko

nga Maunga

Ko Ringa Maui te Hapu

Ko Te Hapua te Kainga

Ko Ngāti Kuri te Iwi


I am the son of the late Bill and Te Raupo Brown and the second youngest of 12 children.

I went to Te Hapua Maori School then Te Kao Area School.

I have lived 90% of my life in Te Hapua so my passions and desires are for Ngati Kuri.

I am a Minister of the Ratana Faith.

My Vision is to get the whenua back and to get employment and sustainability for the Ngāti Kuri people.