
2012 Trust Board Election Results

Election results from the Ngāti Kuri Trust Board Annual General Meetings, held on March 24th 2012 are now available.

The following candidates were elected as Trustees;

  • Ngāti  Kuri Rohe ( Hukatere / Mt Camel North)
    • Kahuipani Petera
  • Muriwhenua Rohe( Hukatere South to Whangape/Mangonui)
    • Donna Smith
  • General Rohe(South of the Muriwhenua boundary)
    • Henri (Harry) Jacques Burkhardt
    • Lillian Grace Karaka
    • Walter Wells
[big_button color=”green” url=”https://ngatikuri.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/NKTB_Election_Results_March_2012.pdf” desc=”Official announcement from Electoral Returning Officer”] View Election Results PDF [/big_button]

This announcement has been authorised by the Ngāti Kuri Trust Board Chairman.